Tuesday, October 1 2024

Normal Household Activities Stir Up Allergens

Ordinary household activities, from dusting to dancing, can increase your exposure to indoor allergens, according to a Clarkson University study. Whether you are cutting the rug or just vacuuming it, you may be inhaling tiny dust particles that could be harmful to your health.

The report, which quantifies some common indoor activities, appears in the Environmental Science and Technology, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Chemical Society.

Kicking Up Dust Particles

Particles can accumulate in the respiratory system and aggravate health problems like asthma. Homes are filled with these particles, which often come from outdoors, cooking, smoking, heating equipment and, according to the study, dust kicked up from human activities.

"I measured concentrations of airborne particles continuously while performing a variety of normal human activities that resuspend house dust in the home," says Andrea Ferro, Ph.D., a professor of engineering at Clarkson University in Potsdam, N.Y. She did the work as part of her dissertation research at Stanford University.

Ferro and her coworkers placed particle detectors in a house in Redwood City, CA, and then they folded clothes, dusted, made beds, vacuumed and did other everyday activities -- not to mention some less common ones, like dancing. They applied a mathematical model to estimate the strength of each source.

Carpets Are a Big Source

Dusting, of course, kicked up a significant amount of particles, but it wasn't the biggest contributor. "The highest source was from two people just walking around and sitting on furniture," Ferro says. This released particles at a rate of almost two milligrams per minute -- about half as much as smoking a cigarette.

Dancing on a rug emitted as many particles as dusting, which wasn't too surprising, Ferro says, since dancing is a vigorous activity. "The source strengths depended on the number of persons performing the activity, the vigor of the activity, the type of activity and the type of flooring," she says. Dancing on a wooden floor was near the bottom of the list.

Not only did Ferro design the study, but she also performed the activities. What kind of dance did she do? "Probably best described as solo salsa," she says. "Luckily, I did not take any videotape."

Vacuuming Releases Deep Dust

Vacuuming was also a large source of particles. Vacuum brushes release deeply embedded particles from the carpet; the motor produces additional particles; and the bags are not 100 percent efficient in collecting particles, Ferro says. Only one type of vacuum was tested; different cleaners could produce different results, depending on the design.

"The result that was most surprising to me was that just walking around can resuspend almost as much dust as vacuuming," Ferro says.

The majority of the particles were larger than five micrometers in diameter, but smaller particles still played a significant role. "Smaller particles tend to deposit deeper in the lungs than the larger particles, potentially causing more harm," Ferro says. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency classifies these as "fine particles," which have been associated with increased respiratory disease, decreased lung functioning and even premature death.

Tracking Dust From Outside

The results could help people make a variety of decisions about living in their homes. "One study estimates that about two-thirds of house dust is tracked in from outdoors," Ferro says. "Therefore, leaving shoes at the door can make a big difference in reducing the particle reservoir on the floor." She also recommends leaving windows open while cleaning to increase ventilation; limiting the use of toxic household products, like pesticides; and installing non-carpet flooring.

Ferro has since performed another study in a different home, with similar results. "My focus now is to determine the actual mechanisms for resuspension from human activity and perform the work in an indoor air chamber where I can control more of the variables," she says.

Sunday, September 15 2024

Dust Mite Allergy

Dust mite allergy is an allergy to a microscopic organism that lives in the dust that is found in all dwellings and workplaces. Dust mites are perhaps the most common cause of perennial allergic rhinitis. Dust mite allergy usually produces symptoms similar to pollen allergy and also can produce symptoms of asthma.

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Monday, September 2 2024

Obese Girls More Prone to Allergic Disease

The effect of gender and obesity in atopic, or allergic, disease in children in an urban environment is relatively understudied. New research being presented at the 2017 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) Annual Meeting gives insight into which populations are most at risk of atopic disease and what can be done to prevent it.

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Wednesday, August 28 2024

Why Celiac Disease Develops

Two separate research studies published in the journal Immunity provide significant details about why immune cells attack the body's own healthy tissues in response to a harmless substance that the immune system mistakenly perceives as a threat. The results are likely to further research efforts designed to combat and hopefully prevent autoimmune disorders like celiac disease.

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Wednesday, August 14 2024

Cleaning Pacifiers With Antiseptics May Cause Food Allergies

Children's pacifiers cleaned with antiseptic agents - rather than boiled or cleaned by other methods - have been shown to increase the risk of children developing a food allergy by age one year in a study of 894 infants in Austrailia. Researchers conclude that using other methods of cleaning pacifiers could help prevent the onset of childhood food allergies.

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Monday, July 22 2024

Dust From Distant Lands May Affect Our Health

Residents of the southern United States and the Caribbean have seen it many times during the summer months -- a whitish haze in the sky that seems to hang around for days. The resulting thin film of dust on their homes and cars actually is soil from the deserts of Africa, blown across the Atlantic Ocean.

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Thursday, July 11 2024

How Does Eczema Develop?

Like a fence or barricade intended to stop unwanted intruders, the skin serves as a barrier protecting the body from the hundreds of allergens, irritants, pollutants and microbes people come in contact with every day. In patients with eczema, or atopic dermatitis, the most common inflammatory human skin disease, the skin barrier is leaky, allowing intruders - pollen, mold, pet dander, dust mites and others - to be sensed by the skin and subsequently wreak havoc on the immune system.

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Saturday, June 29 2024

Drug Used to Treat Eczema May Provide Relief for Itchy Skin Diseases

A drug approved to treat eczema provided significant improvement in the symptoms of patients with severe itching diseases that currently have no targeted treatments, according to a new study published in JAMA Dermatology. The drug, abrocitinib, was found to cause minimal side effects during a small  […]

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