How to Eliminate Mold From Your Home

Molds are an important trigger of allergic rhinitis, affecting nearly 40 million Americans, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI). "Mold spores contain allergens, substances that some immune systems recognize as dangerous," said Robert K Bush, MD, Fellow of the AAAAI and member of the AAAAI's Indoor Allergen Committee. "Exposure to mold can trigger an allergic reaction such as nasal stuffiness, eye irritation, wheezing, coughing and hay fever-like symptoms."

Molds are microscopic organisms that are pervasive in any outdoor environment. However, they may be brought inside via clothing, shoes and soils. Mold needs only a food source, warm environment and moisture to grow. Mold may be invisible to the eye or may look like furry growth, black stains or specks of black, white, orange, green and brown on surfaces. Large infestations of mold can usually be seen or smelled.

Where Can Mold Be Found?


  • Basements or crawl spaces
  • Near windows
  • Under sinks
  • Near leaky pipes


  • Near heavy vegetation
  • Near hay or straw
  • In piles of leaves
  • In grass

Eliminating Mold?

The AAAAI recommends that you take the following steps to rid your home of mold:

  • Repair leaking roof and pipes
  • Maintain a low level of humidity in your home (between 35-40 percent), if necessary, use a de-humidifier to remove moisture
  • Use a solution of warm water, liquid detergent and 5% bleach to clean the mold on washable surfaces
  • Use exhaust fans in the bathroom and wipe down the shower after use
  • If mold is visible on soft spaces, such as carpeting or wallpaper, these things should be removed

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